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Understanding Conversion Tactics of Mormon Missionaries

Mormon missionaries are known for their dedicated efforts to share their faith and convert individuals to their religion. Their approach, often referred to as their evangelizing plan, includes specific tactics and strategies designed to engage and persuade others. This article explores these conversion tactics, provides insights into the scriptures used by Mormon missionaries, and offers guidance on how to support ex-Mormons in their spiritual journey. Includes perspectives from Janis Hutchinson’s book, which provides a broader view of religious conversion and faith-building. Here’s a closer look at their approach:


Building Personal Relationships: One of the primary tactics used by Mormon missionaries is to build personal relationships with those they are trying to reach. By engaging in friendly conversations and showing genuine interest in individuals' lives, missionaries create a foundation of trust. This relationship-building helps open the door for deeper discussions about their faith.


Offering Service: Service is a key component of the Mormon missionary approach. Missionaries often engage in community service activities to demonstrate their commitment to helping others. This service not only benefits the community but also provides opportunities to share their faith in a non-confrontational manner.


Using the “Friendship First” Strategy: Missionaries often follow the "friendship first" strategy, where they focus on creating a positive and friendly relationship before introducing religious topics. By establishing rapport, they aim to make their message more appealing and less intrusive.


Personal Testimonies: Sharing personal testimonies is a common tactic among Mormon missionaries. They often recount their own experiences and how their faith has positively impacted their lives. This personal sharing helps to make their message more relatable and persuasive.


Preliminary Contact: Missionaries often begin with introductory visits or conversations, aiming to establish initial contact and gauge interest. This phase involves casual interactions and the sharing of basic information about their faith.


Structured Lessons: Mormon missionaries use structured lessons to introduce their faith. Their lessons are delivered systematically with carefully designed pictures of the biblical Jesus and the usage of Christian words and phrases. Gradually, they incorporate key doctrines and principles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), withholding some of their beliefs.

The Mormon Missionaries' Evangelizing Plan


The evangelizing plan of Mormon missionaries is methodical and includes several key components:


Teaching Materials: During their evangelizing efforts, missionaries use a variety of teaching materials, including pamphlets, booklets, and digital resources. These materials, while appearing biblical, are designed to explain their core beliefs, answer common questions, and address potential concerns.


Follow-Up Visits: After initial contact and introductory lessons, missionaries schedule follow-up visits to continue discussions and provide additional information. These visits are an opportunity to address any questions, reinforce teachings, and build a stronger relationship with the individual.


Inviting to Church Services: A key part of the evangelizing plan is inviting individuals to attend church services or other church-related events. This provides a chance for potential converts to experience the community and worship practices of the LDS Church.


Encouraging Commitments: As relationships deepen and interest grows, missionaries encourage individuals to make commitments, such as reading the Book of Mormon, attending church regularly, and meeting with missionaries more frequently. These commitments help to solidify the conversion process.


Scriptures Mormon Missionaries Use

Mormon missionaries frequently use specific Scriptures from the Bible to support their teachings and conversions. They also present their own scriptures which include:


The Book of Mormon: This is a central text in the LDS faith, and missionaries often use passages from it to support their teachings. The Book of Mormon is considered another testament of Jesus Christ, and is considered more reliable than the Bible, and used to demonstrate the doctrines of the LDS Church.


The Bible: Missionaries use Bible Scriptures, many out of context, to show that their teachings align with the Bible. They often reference both the Old and New Testaments to draw parallels between their faith and traditional Christian teachings.


Doctrine and Covenants: This is a collection of revelations and writings of early Church leaders who claimed contact with Jesus, God, and angels. Missionaries may use passages from the Doctrine and Covenants to explain specific doctrines and practices unique to the LDS Church.


The Pearl of Great Price: This scripture includes writings by Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS Church, and the pseudo Book of Abraham. It is used to provide additional context and teachings specific to Mormon beliefs.


How to Help Ex-Mormons

Supporting ex-Mormons as they transition out of the LDS Church can be challenging but rewarding. 


Provide a Listening Ear: Many ex-Mormons need someone to listen to their experiences and struggles without judgment. Being empathetic and supportive can help them process their transition and find comfort.


Offer Resources: Share resources such as books, support groups, and counseling services that can help ex-Mormons navigate their new spiritual journey. Books like those by Janis Hutchinson, which address faith transitions and personal resilience, can be particularly helpful.


Respect Their Journey: Understand that leaving a religious community can be a complex and emotional process. Respect their personal journey and offer support as they explore new beliefs or redefine their spirituality.


Encourage Community Involvement: Help ex-Mormons find new communities or support networks where they can build new relationships and find a sense of belonging. This can be crucial in their transition to a new phase of life.

Witnessing to Mormons from Janis Hutchinson’s Book


Janis Hutchinson’s book offers valuable insights into faith transitions and personal growth. Her writing explores themes of resilience, faith in action, and navigating spiritual changes. Incorporating her perspectives can provide additional understanding and support in dealing with conversion and faith-building challenges for former Mormons.


Navigating Faith Transitions: Hutchinson’s insights into navigating faith transitions can help ex-Mormons and those exiting other false religions who go through similar experiences. Her practical advice and empathetic approach can offer valuable guidance.


Building Resilience: Hutchinson’s focus on building resilience through faith can inspire individuals to face challenges and find strength in their new spiritual paths.


Practical Faith Applications: Her practical advice on applying faith in daily life can be beneficial for those looking to integrate new beliefs and practices into their routines.


Insights from Janis Hutchinson’s Book


Janis Hutchinson’s book offers valuable insights into faith-building and spiritual growth. Her writing explores themes related to faith, resilience, and the impact of spiritual teachings on everyday life. By incorporating Hutchinson’s perspectives, you can gain a deeper understanding of how to effectively nurture faith in children and grandchildren.


Faith and Resilience: Hutchinson’s exploration of faith highlights how it can provide strength and resilience during challenging times. Her insights can help you teach children about the role of faith in overcoming obstacles and finding hope.


Practical Faith Application: Hutchinson’s practical approach to faith, based on Joshua’s plan, can inspire you to integrate spiritual teachings into daily life in meaningful ways. Her books provide examples and strategies for making faith a living part of everyday experiences.


Inspiring Stories: Hutchinson’s narratives include inspiring testimonies and stories of faith in action, which can serve as powerful tools for teaching children and grandchildren about the importance of faith and trust in God.




Understanding the conversion tactics of Mormon missionaries provides valuable insights into their approach to sharing and expanding their faith. From building personal relationships to using structured lessons and specific scriptures, Mormon missionaries have developed effective strategies for evangelizing. Supporting ex-Mormons involves offering empathy, resources, and respect for their journey. Insights from Janis Hutchinson’s book can further enhance understanding and provide guidance during the difficult transition. By exploring these aspects, a deeper appreciation of religious conversion and the complexities of faith-building can be gained.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs ) 



1: What are the main tactics used by Mormon missionaries?


Answer: Mormon missionaries use tactics such as building personal relationships, offering community service, sharing personal testimonies, and quoting from the Bible. They also use structured lessons and invite individuals to church services to engage and convert new members.


2: What scriptures do Mormon missionaries frequently use?


Answer: Mormon missionaries commonly use the Book of Mormon, the Bible, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. These scriptures help explain and support their unique beliefs.


3: How does The Mormon Missionaries' Evangelizing Plan work?


Answer: The plan involves making preliminary contact, using teaching materials, scheduling follow-up visits, inviting people to church events, and encouraging commitments like reading the Book of Mormon and attending their church regularly.


4: What are some ways to support ex-Mormons?


Answer: Support ex-Mormons by listening to their experiences, offering helpful resources, respecting their spiritual journey, and encouraging involvement in new communities or support networks.


5: How can Janis Hutchinson’s books aid in understanding faith transitions?


Answer: Janis Hutchinson’s book offers insights into navigating faith transitions and building resilience. With her own background of a difficult transition from the LDS Church and those of others, her practical advice and empathetic approach can help individuals manage changes in their spiritual journeys.

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